AACUS Handwriting


For Parents

How to raise self-esteem, grades and confidence levels through changing handwriting. We want to thank you for enrolling your kids in this course. You have chosen one of the most successful ways to start making positive changes, the science of handwriting analysis. You will change your children’s handwriting and actually bring significant changes to their life. Simply put, if a person changes certain traits of their handwriting, the responding behavior changes in that individual.

We might even suggest that parents may want to make some significant changes in their behavior. What we’ve found is that if the parents change, the kids change as a direct result. So we’re not only talking about children, we’re certainly talking about parents too.

One of the first recommendations we share is that most kids change the height of the t-bar. It is amazing how many different traits that we can find in the letter “t”. For example, if someone crosses the “t” to on the left side of the stem, this means the writer is putting things off and not doing things on time, such as homework. Procrastination is the thief of time. Making an effort to “balance” the t-bar will assist with eliminating the tendency to procrastinate.What does it mean if you cross it just on the right side of the stem? It means that they’ll have a temper, or they make decisions a little too quickly, and so you don’t want that either. So, there are reasons why we’ve modeled these letters in a certain way.

It’s interesting because you’ll see the letter “t reoccurring a number of times on many of the days of the training programme. With 17 or plus traits that you can deviate from, you want to make sure the t-bar is crossed high, in the middle of the stem, with a long enthusiasm, which is the long t-crossing stem. Derivations of that “t” could indicate a negative trait.

AACUS HAND WRITTING will help students
To improve grades
To have more confidence
To be all-around happier in life
To raise self-esteem
To achieve High goals
To have good self-image
To avoid Temper
To stop being afraid of failure